Substance use is common in our community. Guys get high for a lot of reasons—to increase pleasure, to chill out, to cope, or to self-medicate (i.e. depression and anxiety). Here’s a few things about sex, drugs, and alcohol that might be helpful to know.
- Drugs and alcohol can sometimes affect your decisions and sex drive. When you get lost in the moment, you may not always use a condom, take PrEP, or prevent STIs in other ways.
- Your chance of getting HIV and Hep C increase when using injection drugs. Snorting drugs and sharing bumpers or straws can also increase your risk for Hep C. Find out where to get new needles and drug equipment here to help reduce that risk.
- For people living with HIV, drugs and alcohol might make it harder for you to take your meds every day. Some substances might also interact differently with your HIV medication.
To learn more about safer partying, visit:
Toronto Vibe: Find info on safer partying tips, overdose prevention, drug effects/interactions, and HIV and partying.
The High Life: A non-judgmental resource for guys about club and party drugs, mental health and sexual health.
Here's a few tips for safer partying:
- Know yourself, know your source. It’s important to know what drugs you’re taking, who you’re getting them from, and how they can affect you. If you are trying a new drug, start with a small amount and go slow. Avoid drugs from strangers or people you've just met.
- Don’t get too mixed up. Avoid mixing drugs, and be aware of how certain drugs might interact with each other and any meds you’re taking.
- Food and water still matter. Many drugs dehydrate your body. Water, or liquids containing electrolytes, can help. Energy drinks and/or caffeinated beverages can make it worse. Remember: your body still needs nutritious calories when you’re partying. Be aware of how food can interact with different drugs. Stimulants (like meth, cocaine and MDMA) can suppress appetite, while downers (like GHB) can make you nauseou
- Look out for each other. Overdoses or bad drug experiences can happen when people use alone. Don’t leave people by themselves and keep checking in with each other. If you witness an overdose or find someone unresponsive, call 911. The Good Samaritan Act protects anyone who calls for medical assistance from charges of simple possession of illegal drugs and/or parole violations related to simple possession. Learn how to recognize and temporarily reverse an opioid overdose with naloxone here.
If you are worried about how partying and drug use is affecting your life, there is help. Visit Addiction Services of Thames Valley.