Am I going to die?
Unlike 20 years ago, HIV is now a manageable virus. HIV+ people can and do live full, active and long lives.
How long will it be until I get sick?
Each HIV+ person's journey with HIV is unique. It is important to know the majority of HIV+ people who get sick also get better again.
Will my family get HIV from me?
HIV cannot be transmitted by daily casual activity.
Can I still work?
Yes! With current treatments, doctors say most people living with HIV/AIDS will live long and productive lives.
Who do I have to tell?
You don’t have to tell anyone your HIV status unless you’re participating in activities that may put others at risk. There are some things you need to know about the law and disclosing your HIV+ status if you’re having sex or sharing drug equipment.
Can I still have sex?
Yes! HIV+ people are capable of and entitled to full and healthy sex lives. There are some things you need to know about the law and disclosing your HIV+ status if you’re having sex.
Can I have children?
Yes! There have been many advances in medical science and the understanding of HIV. It is absolutely possible for HIV+ people to have children without your kids’ getting HIV.
Do I have to take medication?
Not necessarily. Your HIV specialist will help you make an informed decision about when it might be necessary to start taking medications.
If I’m HIV+ does this mean I have AIDS?
No, it does not. Many people living with HIV never develop AIDS.