A Message from RHAC's Coordinator of Volunteer Services
It’s Volunteer Appreciation Week!
It seems fitting that this week also falls within the week we celebrate A Taste for Life (ATFL). Pre-COVID, I would be engaging with many of you regarding ATFL as hosts or greeters. Sadly, we cannot come together in person, but we do hope you will continue to support ATFL, and local restaurants, by ordering from your favourite restaurant.
Volunteering has looked quite different this past year due to COVID restrictions. Instead of in-person volunteering, we have seen an increase in community groups and individuals giving back in different ways, including making cloth masks for our clients and service users. We have seen our Red Scarf participants continue to provide us with scarves which have been distributed to those in need as well as stored for (hopefully) a Red Scarf event this November. We have been blessed with community food drives from TD and King’s University College (who also hosted a car wash with proceeds going directly to RHAC).
On a more personal note, I miss you. I miss seeing your faces every week. I miss engaging with you regarding Red Scarf, A Taste for Life, Tachycardia, and other volunteer events. I cannot wait until the day we are reunited and can all be together in person. Until then, stay safe and thank you for your continued support of RHAC during these unprecedented times.
We simply could not do what we do without you.
Fran McKeown
Coordinator of Volunteer Services