Take Back the Night | Regional HIV/AIDS Connection

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Take Back the Night

Victoria Park

Some information about Take Back the Night, from the organizers:

“Take Back the Night is an internationally held march and rally intended as a protest and direct action against sexual violence and other forms of gender-based violence. It is a feminist action movement that brings attention to the violence faced by women and girls in their daily lives.

Take Back the Night focuses on the experiences of women and gender non-conforming folks. Children welcome!

Men and male-identified allies are invited to attend the gathering and rally and are asked to support women's right to walk the streets alone in freedom and safety. Male allies traditionally gather at the corner of Wellington and Dundas Streets to show their support.

Bring your noisemakers and join us as we take over the streets as a statement about women feeling safe to walk the streets alone!”

If you would like to march with RHAC OR help to prepare for the event OR staff RHAC’s booth at Victoria Park on the evening of the event, please contact:

Holly Taylor

Women’s HIV/AIDS Community Development Coordinator
